Cosgarne Hall is supported accommodation based in St Austell, working with clients who are homeless and many who have a range of addiction problems. We worked with the group to help them to take the first steps to reintegrate with society. The week instilled greater confidence and self-esteem in those who suffer from mental health problems, addiction and isolation.

The instructors worked to help and support the learners throughout the course. Every single member of the team from Cosgarne gave 100% effort in all activities and supported each other so they could all achieve together.

Matt from the course had this to say about the week he spent at St Austell Fire Station

Matt said “the course woke me up, I now realise what I am capable of, it’s given me the slap on the back to realise I can do something with my life before it’s too late” Matt has just moved into private accommodation with his girlfriend and completed an application form to join Cornwall Fire & Rescue as an on-call fire-fighter, as well as this he has signed up for lots of training courses through various agencies. “The Phoenix course has been a great experience I would recommend it to anyone it has changed my life”.

The photos below show many of the activities that the group completed over their week, for many their ongoing addiction battles meant that their achievements were extraordinary.

Steve shared this with us about his experience

Steve has said that the benefits from the course have been as follows “I am so much happier since completing the course, I have reduced my drug intake I would say by over half, I am always out of my room, I walk around with my head held high proud wearing my Phoenix cap, I look at life completely differently, I am not afraid to approach people new or old I am confident and able to speak to anyone, I also respect people much more. “In the future I would like to get a job, undertake further training and I am also very interested in becoming a volunteer” “I really recommend this course to anyone and would love to do it again myself”

The instructors said “We absolutely loved the course that we completed with Cosgarne and can’t wait to work with the house again. We want to say a big thank you and well done to all of the participants for giving us 100% effort and being such a fantastic supportive team”